What We Believe
The Statements of Faith of The Narrow Way Church
The Word of God (The Bible)
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, consisting of 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books. The Bible is God’s story of humanity, sin, redemption, and reconciliation through Jesus Christ, and is the ultimate authority for all we believe and how we are to live.
(Deuteronomy 4:1-2; Psalm 119:11, 89, 105; Proverbs 30:5; Isaiah 40:8; John 5:39; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Hebrews 1:1-2; 2 Peter 1:20-21)
The Holy Trinity
We believe that the one true God exists eternally in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and that these, being one God, are equal in deity, power, glory, and authority. God is infinite in love, perfect in judgment, and unchanging in righteousness, holiness, mercy, and love.
We believe that God not only created the world, but also now upholds, sustains, governs, and providentially directs all that exists, seen and unseen, and that He will bring all things to their proper consummation in Christ Jesus, to the glory of His name.
(Deuteronomy 6:4; Psalm 90:2; Matthew 3:13-17, 28:19; Mark 1:9-11; Acts 17:24–28; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 4:4-6; Colossians 1:15-17; Hebrews 1:1-3; James 2:19)
God the Father
We believe God the Father is eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. We believe the heavenly Father is the source of all that exists, whether of matter or spirit. With the Son and the Holy Spirit, He made man, male and female, in His image. By intention He relates to people as Father, thereby forever declaring His love toward them. He both seeks and receives repentant sinners who desire to live in a right relationship with Him.
(Genesis 1:1, 26-27; Exodus 3:14; Psalms 11:4-6; 68:5; Isaiah 64:8; Matthew 5:45; 7:11; John 14:2; Acts 17:28; Romans 8:15; 1 Peter 1:2,17)
2. God the Son
We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God; that He is God incarnate, fully God and fully man; that He was eternally preexistent with the Father and the Holy Spirit; and that He was conceived and born of a virgin, living a sinless life, which was given as a sacrificial offering for sinners. By His blood shed at the cross, He obtained for us eternal redemption, forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting. He was raised bodily on the third day and ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He intercedes for us. He will return to earth again to reign in righteousness and to judge the living and the dead.
(Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:18; John 1:1-18; 3:16-17; 14:10-30; Acts 1:9-11; Romans 1:3-4; 8:34; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:10–14; Ephesians 1:7; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:15–23; Hebrews 7:25; 9:13-15; 10:19; 1 Peter 2:21-25; 1 John 2:1-2)
3. God the Holy Spirit
We believe that by placing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His substitutionary sacrifice for us, we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, in whom we are also sealed for the day of redemption. The Holy Spirit regenerates, indwells, sanctifies, and equips the Christian for godly living and service. After conversion, the Spirit fills, empowers, and anoints believers for ministry and witness. We also believe that signs and wonders, as well as all the gifts of the Spirit described in the New Testament, are operative today and are designed to testify to the presence of the kingdom and to empower and edify the Church to fulfill its calling and mission.
(Genesis 1:2; Psalms 51:10-12; Matthew 3:11; John 3:1-15; 16:8-11; Acts 1:8; 4:29-31; Romans 8:9; 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13; 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 1:13-14)
The blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the only means of salvation for mankind through the forgiveness of sin. Salvation occurs when people place their faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as sufficient payment for their sin. No ordinance, ritual, work, or any other activity on the part of mankind is required or accepted for personal salvation. This saving grace of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, also sanctifies us and enables us to do what is pleasing in God’s sight, that we might be progressively conformed to the image of Christ.
(Isaiah 1:18; Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:68-69; John 1:12-13, 3:16; 6:37-40; 10:25-30; Acts 2:21; 16:30-31; Romans 3:22-24; 4:23-25; 8:1-17, 31-39; 10:9; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 2:13; Titus 3:3-7; 1 John 1:7-10; Revelation 3:20)
We believe that Satan, originally a created heavenly being, rebelled against God. He was cast out from God’s presence and works with the demonic to establish a counter-kingdom of darkness, evil, and unrest on earth. Satan was judged and was defeated at the cross through the sacrifice of Christ and will be cast forever into the lake of fire which has been prepared for him and his demonic host.
(Ezekiel 28:11–19; Matthew 12:25–29; 25:41; John 12:31; 16:11; Ephesians 6:10–20; Colossians 2:15; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6; Revelation 12:7–9; 20:10)
We believe that humanity, male and female, was originally created in the image of God, righteous and without sin. As a consequence of disobedience to God, all persons are sinners by birth and by choice, and are therefore spiritually dead, and justly condemned in the sight of God, wholly unable to save themselves.
(Genesis 1:26–3:22; Psalms 8:3-8; Psalms 51:5; Isaiah 59:1-2; Romans 3:9-18, 22-23, 5:12–21, 8:9; Colossians 1:21-22)
The Church
The church at large is the bride of Christ, a community of redeemed people under the Lordship of Jesus who meet regularly to worship, be discipled, partake of the sacraments, fellowship, and carry out the great commission together.
1. Jesus established the local church to function with ordained leaders and a form of governance that protects, guides, and releases people in their gifts to minister. The Church functions under the theocratic rule of God with clearly defined Elders.
2. We believe that the Church is God’s primary instrument through which He chooses to fulfill His redemptive purposes in the earth. To enable us to perform the work of ministry, God has equipped the Church through spiritual gifts including prophecy, evangelism, preaching, and teaching. The Church has been called to preach the Gospel and make disciples.
3. We also affirm the priesthood of all believers and the importance of every Christian being joined with and actively involved in the local church community functioning as the body of Christ.
(Matthew 16:17-19, 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-24; 2 Corinthians 5:18-19; Ephesians 1:22, 4:11-16; 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9-10)
We believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) are the two ordinances of the Church, to be observed until the time of Christ’s return.
1. We believe that the baptism of believers with water is a pledge of their covenant with God. It identifies them with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It is a sign of their cleansing and freedom from sin, and their commitment to walk in the way of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. This baptism shall occur primarily through immersion, however other methods such as sprinkling or pouring of water may be accepted depending on the circumstance and the needs of the individual being baptized. Water baptism will be observed for believers who are able to publicly testify of a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
(Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:36-41, 8:26-39, Romans 6:1-6, Galatians 3:26-29, Colossians 2:10-15)
2. We believe that through the Lord’s Supper, the Church renews its covenant with God, and with one another, and participates in the celebration and remembrance of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus until He returns. Holy Communion shall be observed on at least a monthly basis, and the frequency of this observance shall be determined by the Lead Pastor.
(Jeremiah 31: 31-34; Luke 22:15-26, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, 11:23-32)
Missions and Service
We believe that God has called the Church to work together to proclaim the Gospel to all peoples and nations, to make disciples according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles, and to serve the needs of the poor, the widowed, and the orphaned, and minister to the larger community through giving and service.
(Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 5:3–16, 6:1-4, 7:7-14; 28:18–20; Luke 4:18-19; Galatians 2:10)
Human Sexuality
We believe that God created mankind in His image, intentionally male and female, each bringing unique qualities to sexuality and relationships. Sexuality is a gift from God to be expressed in Biblical marriage for procreation, union, and mutual delight or in celibacy in devotion to God. We believe that marriage is the union of one biological man (husband) and one biological woman (wife) through a sacred covenant designed by God to be a lifelong relationship and commitment between a husband and a wife.
We believe a sexual relationship is only permissible and appropriate in a monogamous, heterosexual marriage covenant, and therefore should only be practiced in such a covenant. We believe that any sexual practice outside of the previously described marriage covenant is sin and is contrary to the Word of God.
We will teach and uphold God's design for marriage and humanity as found in the Holy Scriptures, but we also seek to minister to those who suffer the consequences of the world’s brokenness. We also affirm that we are called to minister to all who fall short of God’s standards with love and compassion.
(Genesis 1:27, Leviticus 18:1-30; Matthew 19:4-6; Romans 1:18-25; I Corinthians 7:1-35; Hebrews 13:4)
Last Days
We believe in the literal second coming of Christ at the end of this age, when He will return to earth personally and visibly, at which time all will confess Him as Lord. No one except God the Father can know with certainty the timing of the Lord’s return.
(Psalms 2:1-12, 22:27-28; Matthew 24:36-44; John 17:20-26; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, 50-58; Philippians 3:20–21; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11; 2 Thessalonians 1:3–12; Revelation 7:9–14)
Humanity was created to exist forever. We will either exist eternally in the presence of God in Heaven through the forgiveness of sin, or we will be removed from God’s presence, suffering punishment in Hell, leading to judgment, after which those souls will be cast into the lake of fire, eternally separated from God. Heaven and Hell are real places of existence.
(Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46; Luke 16:19–31; John 3:16, 5:25–29, 14:1-4; Romans 8:17-18; 1 Corinthians 2:7-9, 15:35-58; Philippians 3:20–21; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10; Revelation 20:11-15, 21:1-22:16)